Jiena Gu McLellan

A Software Developer & Data Enthusiast


Hi! I’m Jiena McLellan, a software developer in Atlanta, GA. I build tools and web applications that make data science easier, faster, and more fun.

CV (Updated to Aug, 2020)

Github twitter Linkedin Google Scholar

Personal email: jienagu90[at]gmail.com

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Selected Demo Apps and Podcast

My Shiny Dev Series Podcast Interview:

ANOVA Tutorial App:

This app demos different parameters would have different impacts on the ANOVA result.


The PlayeR website teaches you how to programming in R and Statistics interactively with practicing in the R console. No need to downlaod anything. Have fun!

Word Cloud with Dynamic Reporting:

Creating a word cloud and documenting personal comment and report in PDF.

Predictive Model App with Predictive Interval Highlighted:

Shiny App for Predictive Analytics.

Dynamic Reporting Shiny App:

Not only analytic but also documenting personal comment and report in PDF.

DT Editor:

Here is a DT editor shiny module that can fit for any data.table You just need to create your data.table and load it to the same location of your shiny app as note.rds https://github.com/jienagu/DT_editor_shiny_module

Shiny Full Flow:

This app demonstrates the basic work flow from data entry to dynamic report. This display might be useful to create and host a small-scaled data platform and reporting system without incorporating Database such as documenting team projects progress or monthly or weekly marketing performance platform.

D3 Folded Chart:

Folded data structure: zoom in to monthly chart by either clicking bar or the dropdown menu from slidebar. Click “ALL” from dropdown selector to reset! When zooming in monthly chart, both bar chart and donut chart are zoom into monthly level.

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Open Source R Packages



forestry is an R package with a series of utility functions to help with reshaping hierarchy of data tree, and reform the structure of data tree.

Built on the top of data.tree, a Node (tree) is an R6 object that is especially useful when we are facing hierarchical data. The forestry package helps to reshape or create tree objects. This package is a series of utility functions to help with nested data. Since data.tree has the capability to convert a tree to JSON using toJSON() after converting to a list using as.list(), the forestry package is particularly useful when creating a specific JSON object for building htmlwidgets. The forestry package aims to reshape or create tree objects with a specific format.



This is package is to create a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page for Shiny application with desired data.frame.

Simply create a data frame with question column and answer column. Then put this data frame into faq() function, we will get a nice FAQ page.

df <- data.frame(
  question = c("Question1", "Question2", "Question3"),
  answer = c("answer for question1", 
             "question2 answer", 
faq::faq(data = df, elementId = "faq", faqtitle = "Frequently Asked Questions")



This is package is to create a flash card for Shiny application with desired data.frame.

Simply create a data frame with front column and back column. Then put this data frame into flashCard() function, we will get a nice flash card.

df1 <- data.frame(
  front = c("Title front","contentfront", "content second line"),
  back =c("Title back","content back", "second line")
flashCard(df1, elementId = "card", front_text_color = "white")


Built on the top of data.table, dtverse is a grammar of data manipulation with data.table, providing a consistent a series of utility functions that help you solve the most common data manipulation challenges.

You can install from github:



Print text from shiny ui (support markdown syntax) to pdf or word report! This is a live demo shiny app using noteMD R package: https://appforiarteam.shinyapps.io/noteMD_shiny_demo/ Code of this live demo shiny app is here (welcome to download): https://github.com/jienagu/noteMD_shiny_app

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